What is the third sector? What role does the third sector play in the penitentiary system? Are there any associations or foundations in the Polish prison system that successfully work to support incarcerated individuals? Should correctional facilities collaborate with non-governmental organizations, and if so, to what extent? This article will explore the role of the third sector in supporting penitentiary activities in Poland and provide examples from other European countries. Examples of best practices from Poland and abroad will be presented, and the institution of EPEA – the European Prison Education Association – will be introduced.
Keywords: third sector, penitentiary system, association, foundation, EPEA
The attached article was published in a publication titled “Psychopedagogical contexts of imprisonment” by Sławomir Grzegorz Grzesiak. Publisher: Wydawnictwo DiG, Wydawnictwo WSKiP ISBN: 9788328601475
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