Abstract: System of the education of prisoners in Poland is, most of all, based on the formal educational system which is implemented in 18 Continuing Education Centres functioning in selected penitentiary units. Prisoners have a chance to be educated at the general or vocational level of education. Apart from formal education possibilities, there are also options to undergo non-formal form of education. Effective education would not be possible but for the human resources that support the Prison Service in this respect. In majority of cases, these are civilians employed as teachers at prison schools, where they transfer their knowledge and support one of the most important goals of punishment of imprisonment – education. The article focuses on teaching staff and the resources of a team of employees, who, on a daily basis, directly teach the imprisoned.
Key words: teaching staff, continuing education, Continuing Education Centre, penitentiary system, education of inmates
The article by
dr hab. Dorota Gierszewski, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, d.gierszewski@uj.edu.pl, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2002-5128
mgr Hubert Skrzyński, Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego przy Zakładzie Karnym w Płocku, hskrzynski@wp.pl, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0417-7925
was published in “Potencjał kadrowy Służby Więziennej w kontekście wykonywania zadań służbowych”, Warszawa; DiGWarszawa, Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, p. 357-373, ISBN 978-83-286-0210-6 (DiG)987-83-66454-35-4 (SWWS)
Below you can download it in the pdf version.