“According to the” desistance “theory, every individual forms a” social bond “with society. This social bond consists of the extent to which a person feels involved in social goals, makes an effort to achieve these goals, believes in the value of these goals and is able to use legal means to achieve these goals. The weaker this social bond is, the greater the chance that people will tend to lead a criminal lifestyle. ” Many people who come out of prison have great difficulty integrating well after their sentence. On average more than 60% come into contact with the law again within 2 years. The most important factor for the failure of integration appears to be the lack of meaningful daily activities. This is preferably paid work, but it can also be another day activity, like education.
BLEEP focusses on the lifelong learning process. Ideally, the separation between education and reintegration would not be necessary. Because as a person develops him/herself and learns more, (s)he will become better prepared for society. With BLEEP, we would like to integrate the educational and reintegration learning process for adult prisoners via blended learning environment. The BLEEP activities based on blended learning approach will have positive impacts on the development of digital skills of focus group prisoners who are isolated from technological state-of-the art improvements and its practical tools. We will also do the same for staff in prison, like teachers, mentors, social workers, psychologists, reintegration coaches, who often need the same kind of learning framework. BLEEP strengthens the existing digital learning environments in all partner countries and at the same time, matches with the level of digital working in the various countries.
BLEEP Platform
The BLEEP platform is a blended learning environment, an App and website, that can be adapted and applied in many different situations and that has been designed as a tool in which the end-user create it’s own reintegration steps and find information about the pathways needed for living in society.
The BLEEP partners are:
- Penitenciarul Bucharest Jilava – Prison institution
- Direcao-General de Reinsercion e Services Prisionais – Probation
- Kocaeli Open Correctional Institution – Prison institution
European organization involved
- European Prison Education Association – Norway based
Alice Erens, director Click
Email: aerens@clickf1.nl
GSM +31 6 12 03 21 65