In no European country is the problem of dyslexia properly tackled in education of adults in working life or in adult education properly . Working life today includes learning new ways and new technics, even training for new jobs. It is advisable for both learners and trainers to find the best possible ways for each to learn.
There are dyslexic adults in all walks of life, from university students and teachers to shop floor and to prisons. All the people benefit from getting more conscious of their own ways of learning, being able to use their strengths. The ALIPPE train the trainer events helps teachers to understand what the dyslexia way of learning is.
The differences in learning styles is a popular concept for the dyslexics themselves. They recognize that they think different, have different working and learning strategies. In teacher’s education in many cases this issue has been ignored, because scientist have disputed the subject. Teachers that have learned about ALIPPE and have run the ALIPPE dyslexia course have seen the evidence in the enthusiasm and progress of their students. This is even more the case when teachers use this experience in their teaching of other subjects.
Main activities / programme of the Workshop #
By working through the ALIPPE student course, prison teachers will discover the different pedagogy needed for dyslexics. They get aware of the reasons behind the high prevalence of dyslexics in prison and experiencing ALIPPE tools to raise awareness of literacy improvement possibilities.
The project team consists of Annet Bakker and Jan van Nuland.
Annet Bakker is a prison educator. She has been DJI contact person for all Dutch prison educators and chairwoman of the EPEA. She is educated to be English language teacher.
Jan van Nuland (director Valk&Uil) is writer of a book on adults with dyslexia. He is member of the EPEA.
Participants from: #
Bulgaria: Reg. Inspectorate for Education
Finland: Krits, Helsinki / Keskuspuston Ammattiposto
Germany: Justizvollzugsanstalt Koln / Jugend strafanstalt Wittlich / Jugend straf anstalt Schifferstadt
Ireland: Portlaoise Prison
Italy: prison Agrigento (Sicily)
Netherlands: PI-Heerhugowaard
Norway: Ana Fengsel, Naerbo
Romania: Juvenile Prison Craiova
Sweden: Larcentrum, A Skänninge / Larcentrum, A Kristianstad
Wales: HM Prison Cardiff